Sunday, October 6, 2024
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj May 30- Jun 5, 2021 India must get its act together to prepare for the future ­­A 1966 film ‘The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming’ then expressed fears of a Russian invasion. Today the film may...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Mar 7-13, 2021 Nothing (except a bureaucrat) can stop an idea who’s time has come By J Mulraj ­­­­It has taken very long for the polity to understand why continuous economic reform, incessant preparation for the future, sharp focus...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj April 18-24, 2021 Bureaucrats should have an open mind to new ideas, and Government should encourage it This Government has developed out of the box ideas to solve problems, the most recent one being the PLI (Production Linked...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Feb 28 – Mar 6, 2021 Not argumentative, be an augmentative Indian! Democracy is wonderful, if the polity is sensible and not, alas as it is, needlessly argumentative. Our polity kept India’s economy chained until a crisis in...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE y J Mulraj Mar 28 – Apr 4, 2021 Their worth is their bond! ­­­­It is perplexing that India is not using the opportunities provided by international debt markets to raise funds at prevailing low rates. The Chinese are; as per...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE GOI should keep its mind open and preconceptions closed By J Mulraj -- Saturday Oct 17, 2020 Along with several good initiatives taken by this Government, there are also a few bad ones, as a result of which we have...

MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Feb 21-27, 2021 A Tale of Two Scenarios Bitcoin reminds one of Charles’ Dickens ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ which was ‘the best of times, the worst of times; the spring of hope, the winter of despair; we...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj April 25-May 1, 2021 Governments, institutions and people are collectively responsible for the tragic second wave of Covid Everyone must bear collective responsibility for the second wave of Covid 19 which is hitting the country very hard. After the...

MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Mar 28 – April 4, 2021 What goes around, comes around US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, is discovering that karma is a bitch! In the period, 2014-18, as Chairperson of the US Federal Reserve (equivalent to RBI Governor), she...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE   By J Mulraj   Tell people the truth! By J Mulraj As we ring in a new year, we have hopes that the arrival and certifications of several Covid vaccines would end the nightmare of the old, 2020, and usher in economic...