Sunday, October 6, 2024


News and Analysis of BRICS nations other than India - Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa

China and India through the prism of history September 16, 2020 COVID-19 epidemic accelerates change in the world like a magnifying glass. Through the mist of the pandemic, how to look at the rise of China is a major focus. Return of... India must be forward looking, not defensive, as is evident frompost-Covid-19 spending-patterns RN Bhaskar – 13 August, 2020 After a country has been hit by a pandemic, how should people spend money?  Different cultures spend money differently.  There are countries where... How should India view China? RN Bhaskar - July 2, 2020 At times of war, it is dangerous to talk of peace.  As the poet TS Eliot once remarked (through the lips of Aunt Agatha in A Family Reunion), “In a... The cobra effect the govt is blind to -- in IT, telecom, finance, and elsewhere RN Bhaskar -- June 5, 2020 Management gurus call it the Cobra effect.  That’s when a decision is taken that you think is brilliant. But it... The other two parts of this series can be found at : Education #! and Education #3 Education #2: Enriching other nations, while pauperising India RN Bhaskar  --  May 19, 2020 Some would say that India’s policymakers harbour a death-wish.  They often introduce... Are India’s armed forces marching out of step by talking of mass short-term recruitment? RN Bhaskar -- 14 May 2020 Media reports about a paper circulating among army ranks about a “tour of duty” proposal (, have raised eyebrows.  According to... Investments: The government dangles the promise of land for global investors; but they want more important issues settled first RN Bhaskar --  5 May 2020 The government appears to be in a rush to present a friendly face to foreign investors... Investments: India’s policies are perplexing, even misguided RN Bhaskar  --  30 April 2020 Deng Xiaoping, the former premier of the People’s Republic of China, had famously said "It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it... The US sues China – looking through the fog RN Bhaskar – 23 Apr 2020 The US has finally filed a case against China.  This is one of the rare times when a sovereign republic decides to challenge the way another... Coronavirus: the epidemic could easily ravage cities through its many slums RN Bhaskar  --  31 March, 2020 Last week, the government of Maharashtra formally acknowledged a new problem – slums ( Coronavirus which had spread among the relatively affluent had now...