Sunday, October 6, 2024
An edited version of this article appeared at This article is being published on 12 June, often celebrated in India as Russia Day. Russia could be the catalyst in accelerating the shift to Asia the global centre of gravity for... Internet markets become more competitive By RN Bhaskar Fitch Ratings in its advisory dated 3 June 2021 ( has underscored the possibility of fierce internet competition in the coming years.  Already, major Chinese internet companies are prioritising investments in 2021.  That...
  Fight Poverty, Connect People By Gucai Tang, Consul General, Consulate of the People's Republic of China in Mumbai, India This was the talk given by him at the Conference on Poverty Alleviation on 24 May 2021 ( Distinguished guests, Dear Friends, My sincere gratitude... China has alleviated its poverty; India has a lot to learn from its success By JesciliaK Poverty is a growing concern for the world. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global extreme poverty has increased further. In order to understand the various... Leadership also requires markets and money. India could lose out RN Bhaskar There are disturbing undercurrents in the Indian markets.  On the surface the waters look calm.  But underneath, they are restless.  Investors, like swimmers, know that venturing into such waters... Pre-budget blues – fund allocations don't mean anything till basics are put in place RN Bhaskar This column will appear just a little time before budget announcements are actually made. And the purpose of writing this column is not to talk... Alibaba, ecommerce have lessons for India . . . but will India be willing to learn? RN Bhaskar -- 21 January 2021 On December 24, 2020 authorities in China announced that they were investigating the Ant group which owns and manages Alibaba,... Trumpism was an extension of other US crimes of commission and omission RN Bhaskar  --  10 January 2021 “There is always something that isn’t working … (with) people taking a path against the community, against democracy, against the common good,” --Pope Francis...
New Blueprint, New Opportunities By Guocai Tang, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Mumbai Views expressed here are personal 2020 is a year of outstanding challenges and has a far-reaching impact in human history. Towards the end of the...

MARKET PERSPECTIVE China in an intertwined world By J Mulraj -- Nov 21-28, 2020 China embarked on economic reforms 10 years ahead of India, under Deng Xioping, who famously said ‘I don’t care if the cat is white or black, so long...