The US sues China – looking through the fog
RN Bhaskar – 23 Apr 2020
The US has finally filed a case against China. This is one of the rare times when a sovereign republic decides to challenge the way another...
Oil prices tumble. Is that good for India?
RN Bhaskar -- 21 April, 2020
Oil prices have crashed. Just look at the chart alongside sourced from It has plunged into negative territory because traders want to jettison the stocks they...
There is surplus milk production, while milk demand has slumped
RN Bhaskar
A fresh crisis is brewing in the Indian milk industry. The causes are two – the current lockdown conditions, and a milk surplus.
First, there is no denying that milk...
A modified version appeared at
Subsidies unmaketh the milk industry in India
Subsidies threaten an industry that can single-handedly change the fortunes of millions of dairy farmers in the country.
RN Bhaskar – 14 April, 2020
India’s milk industry – the largest...
Coronavirus lockdown requires precious metal commodity markets to be closed immediately
RN Bhaskar – 10 April, 2020
Experts in the commodity markets in India have appealed to the government to suspend all commodity trades in precious metals.
This is because hitherto, physical...
A modified version of this report appeared at
Coronavirus and health – India paints a sorry picture
If the coronavirus is battering India, don’t be surprised. India has not paid attention to health services. The worst performer is Maharashtra. Not...
Coronavirus has taught Maharashtra that spending on health makes sense, and promoting slums doesn't
RN Bhaskar – 8 April 2020
As the coronavirus epidemic continues its rampage across India, it becomes clear that Maharashtra has been the worst affected.
But that should...
Firefighting on the agriculture front
RN Bhaskar – 8 April 2020
The central government has moved swiftly to contain what could be both a humanitarian disaster and a political blunder. On 3 April, Ajay Bhalla, home secretary, government of India wrote...
Coronavirus: the epidemic could easily ravage cities through its many slums
RN Bhaskar -- 31 March, 2020
Last week, the government of Maharashtra formally acknowledged a new problem – slums ( Coronavirus which had spread among the relatively affluent had now...
Covid-19: India’s agony of slums
RN Bhaskar - March 28, 2020
The sins of the past are to be heaped on the present. And nothing could be more frightening than slums – both for people outside and for those trapped inside. ...