Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Source: Should you trust the government with banks? The banks lent out money irresponsibly because India’s politicians in power thought that they could use the banks to win favours from industrialists. RN Bhaskar -- Jan 08, 2018 05:29 PM IST On December... Economic growth continues to falter. Watch agriculture When agriculture’s GVA growth climbed from -0.2% in 2014-15, to 0.7% in 2015-16, everyone expected agriculture to continue doing well. This was confirmed by this growth rate further rising to 4.9% in 2016-17....
  Source: Lithium is in demand.  Will it outstrip supply? Solar and wind power – even hydro power – cannot be stored. They must be consumed, or the energy is lost. That is why the battery becomes important.  And the best... Sabotaging rooftop solar and employment generation At best, the government's solar plan Sristi can be described as the work of incompetent officials. At worst, it is the handiwork of crafty bureaucrats who wanted to see the government’s push for solar... Beef ban and Gujarat elections results may have a connection The Bharatiya Janata Party has won an underwhelming victory in Gujarat. And, ironically, one reason the result is a damp squib in this laboratory of Hindutva could be the measures...
Source: Special courts for everyone; not just for elected representatives is required The government’s decision to set up special courts to deal with cases against elected representatives has been hailed as being one that could deal a body blow to...
Source: Will India’s GDP start soaring because of MDR? RN Bhaskar -- Dec 11, 2017 06:45 PM IST It now appears that merchant discount rates --the rate paid by a merchant to a bank for providing debit card services -- may...
Source: Mumbai's parking and hawker problem can be solved quite easily if the authorities want to Instead of letting hawkers occupy existing open spaces, the government should allow for more parking-cum-hawking multiplexes. Developers will be happy. So will motorists and... Argentina and India seek to boost ties — By R N Bhaskar and Rahul Nayar | Nov 30, 2017 10:29 am Relations between India and Argentina goes beyond trade. Both have extended their support to each other at various platforms of... Traffic violations and misplaced sentiments Traffic police in Mumbai recently towed away an illegally parked car with a woman inside feeding her baby. Could the cops have reacted differently? And who is to blame? Big questions and answers are few...