Sunday, October 6, 2024

DON'T MISS Mumbai's Infrastructure: What is needed? To get a copy of the Mumbai Infrastructure policy booklet, please click here  Mumbai’s aura as the commercial capital of India...

LATEST NEWS Surging GNPAs are symptoms of a deeper malaise  in governance By RN Bhaskar The cabinet reshuffle is over.  At the end it looked like another tamasha.... Policy watch To ease economic distress, the country needs demand revival, not mere credit guarantees RN Bhaskar News is made when you do something great.  But news...

MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Jun 26- Jul 3, 2021 Yes, but after a lot of hard work Is India on track to become a $ 5...


Source: Speedy grievance redressal is crucial for healthy investment flows Much of the fresh investment into new projects has not taken off, even three years... People must pay for the water they use RN Bhaskar -- 8 June 2014 This is an issue that has no clear answer. There are lobbies... Income tax and the Indian state The government of India finally woke up to the scathing criticism levelled against it by none other than Thomas...


MARKET PERSPECTIVE by Jawahir Mulraj India must get its act together, mere intentions aren’t enough By J Mulraj --  Nov 15,-21 2020 If India wants to achieve...